Local stakeholder Consultation
Before implementing any ICS project in a given area, RPP organizes and conducts the Local Stakeholder Consultation meeting in which different parties are invited. This involves bringing together various stakeholders such as end users, local and international NGOs, Women’s Union members and local officials to discuss the project. The project’s potential impacts and the UN Sustainable Development Goals are discussed, and attendees are asked how best to enhance the positive effects and mitigate any negative effects. Comments and suggestions are considered when implementing and monitoring the project.

RPP also invites local policy makers from the district and sectors, representatives of local authorities and regional authorities such as parks authorities. With positions like Major, Environment officers, SEDO, JADF, Executive secretaries, Coordinators/…. Local NGOs like Women Organizations, Youth organizations, Environment, Forest etc …
The invitations to the LSC meeting should be going through the most appropriate channel for the project specific stakeholders – letters by post or emails or radio announcement or the local newspaper etc.
To make sure the general public and potential stakeholders also are invited, RPP does a public announcement in Radio in the project area and/or in the local newspaper.

The equal participation of both women and men is very important during the LSC. So, RPP pays special attention to inviting women and women groups.