New Bugesera ICS - Project overview
In rural areas of the Bugesera District, many households cook on traditional 3-stone fires. These fires have poor thermal efficiency and use a lot of firewood. This results in high CO2 emissions, indoor air pollution and high demand for firewood which drives deforestation.
CO2balance and Rwanda of Peace and Progress are implementing an improved cookstove (ICS) carbon offsetting project in the Bugesera District. The project aims to distribute 70,000 Canarumwe improved cookstoves to all eligible households in the Bugesera district.
The RPP improved stoves are being distributed to all sectors within the Bugesera district. Users are required in assisting the installation of the stove into their kitchens. The stove is more efficient than the traditional 3-stone fire and significantly reduces firewood consumption. This reduces CO2 emissions, improves the respiratory health of those in the kitchen due to less smoke and reduces the time and money spend on collecting or buying firewood.
The CO2 emission reductions will be certified by the Verified Carbon Standard.
The project technology is the Canarumwe improved cookstove. These have been designed to meet the needs of households in the sectors of the Bugesera district. The stoves have a thermal efficiency significantly higher than the traditional 3-stone fire and reduce wood consumption.
In addition to reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions, so contributing to the mitigation of climate change, this project will provide local benefits to communities:
• Reduced pressure on the surrounding forest with reduced deforestation and degradation of the forests and its wildlife habitat;
• Reduced soil erosion and nutrient loss as trees protect the land;
• Reduced risk of flooding in hilly areas as trees and plants on slopes soak up rain;
• Reduced poverty, as the efficient wood stove reduces annual expenditure on cooking fuels;
• Reduced indoor air pollution reducing adverse health effects associated with smoke inhalation;
• Reduced cooking and wood collection time, which will allow more time to be spent on for income generating activities, child care or education;
• Reduction in burns and injuries as the CANARUMWE Stove is safer to cook on.