Rwanda of Peace and Progress (RPP) is a local non-governmental organization (LNGO) that executes development projects in Rwanda especially in the environmental sector. We’re considered as a leading organization in the distribution of improved cooking stoves in Rwanda.

Our impact in Numbers

Improved cook stoves distributed in Bugesera district
Improved cook stoves distributed in sectors around volcanoes national park from Musanze, Burera, Nyabihu and Rubavu
A total of 350,000 improved stoves are being distributed in each of the following districts: Kayonza, Nyamasheke, Bugesera, Burera and Gatsibo. 70,000 households in each of the five districts will receive a canarumwe stove

Our mission

With over 7 years experience in the environment protection sector by distributing improved cook stoves in Rwanda, our focus lies on reducing the carbon emissions, reducing deforestation, reducing cooking and wood collection time, reducing poverty, as the efficient wood stove reduces annual expenditure on cooking fuels. The stoves have also reduced adverse health effects associated with smoke inhalation.

About Us

Rwanda of Peace and Progress (RPP) is a local non-governmental organization (LNGO) that executes development projects in Rwanda especially in the environmental sector. It was created in 2006 and it operates in 5 districts of Rwanda which are: Bugesera, Burera, Musanze, Rubavu and Nyabihu. Its head office is located at KN 2 AVE, Kigali, vision technologies plaza, Nyarugenge district, Muhima sector, Kabasengerezi cell. It has distributed 30,376 improved cook stoves in fifteen sectors of Bugesera district and 12,020 stoves in the sectors around volcanoes national park from Musanze, Burera, Nyabihu and Rubavu district.

Testimonials from stove end-users

“It allowed me to rest more because I used to spend more time for collecting wood when cooking with the traditional stove, often numerous hours per week. Since I am living alone, there is nobody else who can help me with this task. The improved cook stove needs less wood and therefore I was able to rest instead of collecting wood all the time..”

Marie MUKARUGWIZA, stove end-user

Niyokwizerwa Vumiliya, an end user from Kayonza district, Ndego sector, Karambi cell. She likes the stove very much for it uses less wood and doesn’t produce too much smoke. “The stove helped my family to save time and the saved time is used for other domestic works especially taking care of her kids.”

                                  Niyokwizerwa Vumiliya, stove end-user

“This stove cooks faster and doesn’t produce too much smoke. It’s not easy to find the firewood in this area. I was able to save time because this stove reduced the travels I made in search of wood. My kitchen is always clean and I also like this stove for it cooks faster compared with other cooking devices. My heart is overwhelmed with joy because of this amazing project.”

                Odette UZAMUKUNDA, stove end-user


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Rwanda of Peace and Progress (RPP) is a local non-governmental organization (LNGO) that executes development projects in Rwanda especially in the environmental sector. We’re considered as a leading organization in the distribution of improved cooking stoves in Rwanda.

Our impact in Numbers

Cool Number
Improved cook stoves distributed in Bugesera district
Improved cook stoves distributed in sectors around volcanoes national park from Musanze, Burera, Nyabihu and Rubavu
Improved cook stoves are being distributed in Kayonza District
Improved cook stoves are being distributed in Kayonza District

Our mission

With over 7 years experience in the environment protection sector by distributing improved cook stoves in Rwanda, our focus lies on reducing the carbon emissions, reducing deforestation, reducing cooking and wood collection time, reducing poverty, as the efficient wood stove reduces annual expenditure on cooking fuels. The stoves have also reduced adverse health effects associated with smoke inhalation.

About Us

Rwanda of Peace and Progress (RPP) is a local non-governmental organization (LNGO) that executes development projects in Rwanda especially in the environmental sector. It was created in 2006 and it operates in 5 districts of Rwanda which are: Bugesera, Burera, Musanze, Rubavu and Nyabihu. Its head office is located at KN 2 AVE, Kigali, vision technologies plaza, Nyarugenge district, Muhima sector, Kabasengerezi cell. It has distributed 30,376 improved cook stoves in fifteen sectors of Bugesera district and 12,020 stoves in the sectors around volcanoes national park from Musanze, Burera, Nyabihu and Rubavu district.

Testimonials from stove end-users

“It allowed me to rest more because I used to spend more time for collecting wood when cooking with the traditional stove, often numerous hours per week. Since I am living alone, there is nobody else who can help me with this task. The improved cook stove needs less wood and therefore I was able to rest instead of collecting wood all the time..”

Marie MUKARUGWIZA, stove end-user

Niyokwizerwa Vumiliya, an end user from Kayonza district, Ndego sector, Karambi cell. She likes the stove very much for it uses less wood and doesn’t produce too much smoke. “The stove helped my family to save time and the saved time is used for other domestic works especially taking care of her kids.”

                                  Niyokwizerwa Vumiliya, stove end-user

“This stove cooks faster and doesn’t produce too much smoke. It’s not easy to find the firewood in this area. I was able to save time because this stove reduced the travels I made in search of wood. My kitchen is always clean and I also like this stove for it cooks faster compared with other cooking devices. My heart is overwhelmed with joy because of this amazing project.”

                Odette UZAMUKUNDA, stove end-user


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